

At Wisbech Grammar School, we have the privilege to be able to offer Homestay boarding. This is where an international pupil over the age of 16, is placed in accommodation with a local family. Homestay placements are set up and Homestay boarders come into school like any other day pupil. Some getting dropped off and picked up before and after the school day, others using the school bus service to go to and from school.

Homestay has many benefits and is great for pupils that need a little more support or that really want to improve their English. Most of the time, each host family only has one international boarder and so they become more immersed in British culture. Homestay boarders get involved in family dinners, weekly shopping and anything else the local family does.  

Homestay boarders spend evenings and weekends taking part in whatever activities their host family has planned, but they can join trips with the boarding pupils if they’d like to.  

If you are interested in hosting one of our international pupils, please contact the school at office@wisbechgrammar.com