
A Day in the Life

Boarder:  Example Day

An example of how a boarder’s weekday could look is as follows:  


7:00am -Wake up  

7:55am – Leave the house for Breakfast  

8:00am – Breakfast in Skelton hall  

8:30am – 16:30pm – Normal school day routine  

16:30pm – Boarding house re-opens  

17:30pm – All boarders leave the house for Supper in Skelton hall  

18:10pm – All boarders back to their houses for the evening 

19:00pm – 20:30pm – Prep time (Students get on with quiet study, homework, preparing uniform for the next day)  

20:30pm – 21:15pm – Free Time  

21:15pm – Boarders start preparing for bed  

21:45pm – House quiet, Boarders in their own bedrooms  

22:00pm – Lights out for boarders (This varies depending on age group)  


Homestay:  Example Day

Written by Tommy Tang – One of our Homestay Boarders             

In the morning, I usually wake up at 7:00 am, take a warm shower, and then have breakfast at home or school. The drive to school with my host family takes about 15-20 minutes, during which we often talk about our plans for the week and other light topics. I have plenty of time to get ready since my first lesson isn’t until 8:35 am. Although I’m taking four A-Levels, which keeps me pretty busy, I still find school enjoyable and not at all dull.  

Classes end at 4:10 pm, and my host mom is there to pick us up promptly. Once home, I sometimes take a short nap to recover from the day’s activities. Dinner is served at 5:30 pm, and I have the choice to sit on the sofa or at the dining table. After dinner, I either spend some time sharing stories of my day with my host family, go back to my room to study, or occasionally play some games with friends. Following a shower, I go to bed around 11:00 pm.  

Over the weekend, I prepare my own breakfast and lunch. I make sure to go for a bike ride at least once, and sometimes my host family helps me meet up with friends, which is really nice. I still have the option to go with boarding house trip, if my friends invite me then I’m happy to go.